A Little newsletter



This is the picture of the shirt Alan Hemstreet has designed for the 2021 Car Cruise on August 6th.  Please contact Alan at 606-741-1103(c)  or 604 -885-6520(h).  Leave your sizes  and numbers of shirts you want along with your name and contact phone number.  Alan will look after the ordering and distribution of the shirts.

The price of the shirts is $30.00.  Our costs have gone up substantially so the price reflects the increase of production.  We are sure you will enjoy wearing them.

Please order ASAP so the process can happen without hic-cups.

Thank you Alan and Evelyn for doing this on our behalf!

Just a reminder of the General meeting on July 20th @ 7:00 pm at the Davis Bay Hall.

For those members heading to Micheal Labonte’s BBQ on the 15th we will marshall at the Chatalech Secondary School parking lot and cruise to Pender Harbor.  Meet time is 12:00 and cruise out at 12:15.  Hope we get a nice day for the outing…

Thank you.


From the Executive Committee

Good day everyone….

We are hoping all members and friends are doing well. It has been a very long year plus some for us to gather as a club. Hoping it will not be long now before we can catch up with each other ❤

At the Executive meeting on May 20th 2021 there was a full slate of topics to be discussed and here are the points to be shared at this time. Obviously the biggest issue is to get up and running again under the Covid regulations.

The first item was to discuss whether we could have a Car Show or not. Steve Holland motioned to cancel the 2021 Show seconded by Larry Knowles. The motion was carried unanimously. The reasons for this is that it is just too late in the season to think we could pull it off. The merchants of the Coast have been huge supporters of the Club and the Car Show every year. Due to the loss of trade for them during Covid it was felt we could not approach the majority of the Merchants asking for donations when they have struggled for over a year trying to keep afloat. On the upside….we propose to have an end of COVID-19 APPRECIATION ROD RUN CRUISE on Friday August 6th 2021…..Details to follow…..

We also discussed COCHET’S FOOD BANK RUN AND BBQ (When restrictions are lifted)
-we will see if the Silent Auction at Louis Vignal’s is a possibility this summer as well.

We have scheduled Tuesday night Meet and Greets at Tsainko Mall at 6:00. Just pull in where there is not too much traffic. Lordco have said to use their parking after 6:00 pm.

Things are looking good to have a general meeting soon….stay tuned!

The Coasters are now registered for the Canada Day Parade on July 1st 2021. Much the same as last year…we will send out instructions and information as soon as we receive it from their committee.

We hope to see you all real soon…thank you for being so patient…

Ken Begg and the Executive

Rain or Shine

Good Day Coasters!

The Recreational Therapist has reached out to the Club on behalf of a resident at Totem Lodge.  She is turning 102 Years young on April 4th  2021,  so they would like to honour her with a drive by .  The resident is a lover of Classic Cars so who better to step up but the Coasters Car Club!   We will pray for good weather Sunday April 4th at 2:00.  All members who are willing and available to assemble at the Chatelach High School at 2:00pm.  Totem Lodge will be ready to see the drive by at 2:15pm.  After the drive at the Hospital we will cruise to and through Gibsons.

SDBA is planning a Canada Day Parade basically the same as last year.  When I get the details I will post the information for all members.

Just a reminder that 2020 memberships are way past due.  2021 memberships are due April 16th 2021.  Deb Gass would appreciate your prompt attention on this matter.  It is good to keep our volunteers happy❤ If you are not sure of your status Deb Gass 604-989-3176 can assist you as well as Ken Begg 604-989-8411

Thank you

Ken Begg

From: Rene Meissl via Dianne Allen

Hi Diane !

I just had my AM Radio ( 1962 Thunderbird ) converted – not replaced – to play AM /FM and music from a computer stick .By looking at the radio, you cannot tell that anything has changed. I think quite a few of the Coasters might enjoy having that done to their radios . Normally I would bring this up at a meeting but seeing we’re not able to have meetings right now – do you think you could forward this to the membership ?

Thank you

Stay healthy


PS The person who does the conversion is LARRY WOOD, larry@woodradios.com  , 604 462 1217

Update March 18, 2021

Hi just an update on what I have heard from the District of Sechelt.  They are not issuing any “special event permits” yet due to Covid-19. Rules.  We know things are loosening up but our hands are tied.  We need at least 3 months to get everything organized  to have a show.  We can’t even have a meeting to get the ball rolling before that.  We keep everybody informed as to what we are doing.  Thanks. Ken.

From the desk of Dianne Allen

A message from Ken Begg

To all members of the Coasters Car Club

Just a note to let you know what is or is not happening.

We have tried a couple of times now to have an Executive meeting but the Government and the Health officials have said only “Critical Services” can be held at this time.  I have also been in contact with the District of Sechelt and their office is not issuing any Special Event Permits at this time.  They too are waiting for restrictions to be lifted or eased from Victoria.

When the restrictions have been lifted we will have a meeting to see if we have enough time to put together a show in 2021 or not.  If you have any questions or ideas on what you would like to see happen and offer your services to make them happen please e-mail Dianne Allen (Secretary and Activities Person)

dnallen6518@gmail.com     Your input is most welcomed.

We have delivered flowers to Louis Vignal and family for their Loss of their wife, mother and grandmother Darlene Vignal.

I have members cards to show membership for discounts at Lordco/ Kenmac and Napa for discounts on your automotive parts.  Please contact me at 604-989-8411 to arrange the pick up of your card.  For the Pender Harbor members please contact Glen Tietjen at 604-741-7925 for pick up of cards.

I hope this finds you all well and looking forward to the day we can all meet again….

Ken Begg